Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Read About Me, Natalie B!

John Greens Video:

      Hello, I am Natalie Bloom, a sophomore in honors history 10 at RMHS. My first task in this class is to write this post. This post is about what I think makes a great teacher. So, in my opinion a great teacher is a person that is understanding, a good listener, helpful, strict but yet lenient at times. When I think back to past years and past teachers I always think of my first grade teacher Mrs. Lynch. She was always so empathetic to all of the students feelings. But, at the same time she had no goofing around. Something I think Mrs. Gallagher could do to make this class a good learning environment is not have it be all serious all the time. For instance, if there is a long speech or lecture we should do something a little more laid back for the other part of class. From the few days I've been in her class I can tell she is good at making the class fun but still getting stuff done.

      In John Green's video he talks about our duty as students to do great things with our education. I agree with almost everything he says. I do believe that even though school sometimes isn't that fun because it is hard or boring, it is a great privilege and gift that not everyone has. School gives us so many opportunities for career paths and much more so I think we should take advantage of that. My academic goals for the year are to maintain a B-' to A+ range for all quarters and get no C's for final grades. In sports I hope to get pulled up to play with the varsity team at least once through the season. As for artistic I hope to just make some pretty and well made basics of art projects. Lastly, my social goals are to keep all my current friends an hopefully make some new. I will achieve these goals by hard work, staying positive and practice/studying.

Citation: A and B pink report card. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.

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