The steam engine could arguably be one of the most important pieces of technology yet. It made so may things possible. Without the steam engine our lives as we know it would be completely different. We wouldn't have cars, school, trains, planes, people living in cities, blueberries in winter, half the medicine advances we have now, nothing would be as advanced as it is now with out the steam engine. Other technology that came about during the industrial revolution was improved iron. Abraham Darby used coal to smelt iron which is basically separating the iron from its ore, a way to remove impurity from the coal. This process produced better quality and less expensive iron. Improved iron is used for building rail roads and many other iron things. The iron was good for the economy because it was cheaper and easier to get a hold of.
Transpiration came a long way during the Industrial Revolution. For example the Steam Locomotive, this is a steam powered train that transports carriages full of goods across tracks. This contraption made moving things from a factory to places that could not be reached by a boat. because of the steam locomotive more railroads were made in Europe and North America. Another form of transportation that came from the industrial revolution is the Steam Boat. The steam boat was faster than the average boat and could hold 10 to 20 times more cargo than a wooden ship so this made it faster to transport more goods to places that had to be traveled by water.
Picture of steam boat from Industrial Revolution. Digital image. IR-Newspaper. N.p., n.d. Web.
How A Steam Engine Works
How A Steam Engine Works. How a Steam Engine Works. Dan Izzo, 17 Sept. 2011. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.
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