Sunday, September 28, 2014

Behind the Walls of Mills

To prepare for our chat with Jamie in class we watched a video he had previously made. It taught us about how the Mills really worked and what went on inside. We read things about the process of how cotton turns to thread, then thread to cloth. In small groups we use Google keywords to find the definitions of commonly used words that might come up in our chat with Jamie. We also took time to make questions prior to chat so so that when Jamie asked if there were any questions we would have questions to ask.

During the chat I learned that the textile process is very complicated but if you have the proper system that it can run smoothly. There are many people involved in the process. This is because there are many jobs to be done. The abundance of jobs comes from the abundance of steps it takes to get cotton to cloth. After talking to Jamie with the class I came to realize that the text to process has changed so much over the years. At first it was just at home process that could take 2 to 3 weeks to make one nice piece of cloth. Then it was taken into the factories and much more cloth could be made in a shorter time period. Now a days it is a speedy process that take no time at all. Not to mention a million times safer. Less people are involved it is all more mechanic so there are less opportunities to get hurt. Like no one needs to risk their life to go under the machines an clean the floor anymore. I learned that it helped and hurt families because the cloth was more accessible and more job opportunities, but it hurt families because now they didn't have to money coming in from when they would sell the cloth they made because people just got it from the factories. When Jamie was showing us how all the machines worked I had never really thought of how much time and thought he had to put into remember all the facts and details. Also it struck me that he probably knew more about the machines then the actual workers did.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Living in a Curators World

Curating is the process of organizing information documents and pictures into one cohesive exhibit. The group decided on the name "Living in Filth" because all of of our scores lead back to pollution and bad living conditions. To start we put a map that pointed out the growth in coal and factories so people would understand where all the "filth" was coming from. One of our scores was a picture of a river in Manchester. the river was polluted from all the coal and smoke and also had turned into a dumping ground. Another document was describing a river not much different than the conditions of the river in Manchester the only difference was that it was The River Thames. Both of those documents were focused more on the pollution of rivers so we put those near each other because they went well together. The other image was showing more of the poverty. It showed the people living and sleeping on the streets. All of the people were in tattered and old clothing. With that image we put the chart document that showed the nominal earnings, cost of living, and real earnings which further illustrated the poverty. TO close off the exhibit we put a document of text describing the different opinion in England of the industrialization. On top of all that we needed to make it visually appealing so we used a bunch of puffs of smoke and a smokestack to fill in empty space and to make it more creative. When visiting our exhibit i hope people will learn that even though the industrial revolution brought so many good advances that it also brought poverty and pollution with it.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Life as we Know it is Because of the Steam Engine

During class we found that Idusrtrialization was revolutionary in many ways by having each group dig deeper into one of the four ingredients of industrialization. For instance my group researched technology. We discovered that the invention of the steam engine opened windows to trading so people could own stuff from other places other than their own community because of trains and planes and other locomotives making transportation easier and quicker. This made it possible to have fruit that's not locality in season because it can be imported from somewhere where it is in season. The steam engine also helped with mass production of things like well made clothing which made it more available to all class levels. Formal schooling made it possible for people to have occupations other than being a farmer. Since everyone was no longer a farmer people could live in non farm locations. Since people could pursue any occupation, we gained better medicine, better weapons and people could work on creating our modern day technology. Also more people could be coal miners so there was more coal which created more energy.

The steam engine could arguably be one of the most important pieces of technology yet. It made so may things possible. Without the steam engine our lives as we know it would be completely different. We wouldn't have cars, school, trains, planes, people living in cities, blueberries in winter, half the medicine advances we have now, nothing would be as advanced as it is now with out the steam engine. Other technology that came about during the industrial revolution was improved iron. Abraham Darby used coal to smelt iron which is basically separating the iron from its ore, a way to remove impurity from the coal. This process produced better quality and less expensive iron. Improved iron is used for building rail roads and many other iron things. The iron was good for the economy because it was cheaper and easier to get a hold of.

Transpiration came a long way during the Industrial Revolution. For example the Steam Locomotive, this is a steam powered train that transports carriages full of goods across tracks. This contraption made moving things from a factory to places that could not be reached by a boat. because of the steam locomotive more railroads were made in Europe and North America. Another form of transportation that came from the industrial revolution  is the Steam Boat. The steam boat was faster than the average boat and could hold 10 to 20 times more cargo than a wooden ship so this made it faster to transport more goods to places that had to be traveled by water.


Picture of steam boat from Industrial Revolution. Digital image. IR-Newspaper. N.p., n.d. Web.

How A Steam Engine Works

How A Steam Engine Works. How a Steam Engine Works. Dan Izzo, 17 Sept. 2011. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

a Google a Day Keeps the False Information Away!

          During the first couple days of school we didn't talk much about History. We did activities to teach us more about web literacy, how to use online tools, and how to properly search things on the internet. We had to check if the authors of the websites we were looking at were reliable to make sure that the information we were trusting and using was accurate. These days were meant to help us to responsibly use the internet and all it has to offer.
          One day we used a website called "a Google a Day"  This is a website designed to help you learn and test your skills of properly using the popular search engine Google. They test your search skills with a set of three questions and you have to find the answer by using Google's tools or any other method you would like just don't search for spoilers. The website wants you to try and get the answers yourself not read it off some ones post spoiling the answers, so they have it programmed to have the game only use what was on the internet before the game started. That way there is no risk that you can accidently come across the answers. I enjoyed the a Google a Day challenge because it was fun and interactive. I loved that it timed you because it makes you want to find the answer that much quicker I got to learn that I am good at finding important but small clues that will help me get the answer quicker in the end.
        Another activity we did one day in class was visit a website about an octopus that lived in a tree.  We had to test the Accuracy, correct in all details, Authenticity, genuine and is what it says it is, and Reliability, able to depend on and able to be trusted. The website seemed pretty convincing. When we went out of that website and cross checked the author and information all that came up was that the author and the info were completely unreliable. In the end we found that this website is all made up and every part of it is inaccurate. This would not be able to be used as a reliable source for information in a school project. 

A Google a Day. Digital image. Ms Dunn Online. N.p., 06 June 2011. Web. 7 Sept. 2014.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Read About Me, Natalie B!

John Greens Video:

      Hello, I am Natalie Bloom, a sophomore in honors history 10 at RMHS. My first task in this class is to write this post. This post is about what I think makes a great teacher. So, in my opinion a great teacher is a person that is understanding, a good listener, helpful, strict but yet lenient at times. When I think back to past years and past teachers I always think of my first grade teacher Mrs. Lynch. She was always so empathetic to all of the students feelings. But, at the same time she had no goofing around. Something I think Mrs. Gallagher could do to make this class a good learning environment is not have it be all serious all the time. For instance, if there is a long speech or lecture we should do something a little more laid back for the other part of class. From the few days I've been in her class I can tell she is good at making the class fun but still getting stuff done.

      In John Green's video he talks about our duty as students to do great things with our education. I agree with almost everything he says. I do believe that even though school sometimes isn't that fun because it is hard or boring, it is a great privilege and gift that not everyone has. School gives us so many opportunities for career paths and much more so I think we should take advantage of that. My academic goals for the year are to maintain a B-' to A+ range for all quarters and get no C's for final grades. In sports I hope to get pulled up to play with the varsity team at least once through the season. As for artistic I hope to just make some pretty and well made basics of art projects. Lastly, my social goals are to keep all my current friends an hopefully make some new. I will achieve these goals by hard work, staying positive and practice/studying.

Citation: A and B pink report card. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.