Thursday, March 19, 2015

Election of 1860

This week in class we discussed the election of 1860. To help us learn more about it we watched a crash course video about the election and read the article Civil War in Art. Civil War in Art was a collection of primary source pictures about the Civil War with descriptions of each picture by their side. We read and then created an educreation video about all the pictures and what they meant. Also in.o that video we answered the question Were the results of the Election of 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery? This question is basically asking did the outcome of who won the election have anything to do with how the north and south have such different opinions on slavery. This is the link to our video and the original script: 

Our Educreations

>It all started off with John Browns Harpers Ferry raid in 1859. 

>Northern Republicans were equally angered by the recent Supreme Court decision in case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, declaring free soil unconstitutional. Northern Democrats, meanwhile, struggled to convince Americans that their policy of popular sovereignty still made sense. 

>The Democratic Party split into three groups each with different ideas on how to deal with slavery in the west. These three parties lined up against Abraham Lincon, of the Republican Party, who was running for president. Who advocated that the west be free entirely. Lincon won with less than 40% of the popular vote and 59% of the electoral college. His election was fair but pushed the Deep South to succession. 

>The states didn't like that Lincon was trying to reunite the union. 

>As a responce to Lincons election South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas succeeded from the union and formed a new nation called The Confederate States of America and named its president Jefferson Davis. 

>The upper south and the rest of the Union urged the Deep South that has succeeded, to come back to the Union. When Lincon was inoggurated on March 4th 1861 he gave a speech and incourraging people to return to the south and promises that he would protect slavery where it is already existing. 

>Lincon didn't want the confederacy to take control of the United States military force in the south. Lincon wanted to protect fort sumpter from being attacked and taken over so he sent unarmed supply ships to the fort and told Jefferson Davis his plan. The confedeacy attached the forts before the ships had arrived. 

>Virgina,Tennessee, North Carolina, and Arkansas joined the confedeacy to protest Lincons mission to reunite the union. Only Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, and Delaware because the boarder states because they remained in the union although the they were slave states. 

>The Northern public became extremely interested in  patriotism after the attack in fort sumpter. Many artists began to record the events that happened there. For example; Frederic E. Church's painting Our Banner in the Sky, created in 1861, shows a tattered flag in the sky much like the one that would have been discovered after the attack.  

>Currier and Ives' publishing of the Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, a print showing the battle from the Confederate point of view, marked the beginning of a very important new relationship between the artist and the public. This newfound relationship allowed the public to see and understand what was occurring in the war from different vantage points. 

Abraham Lincoln:
Painting a national treasure:

Jefferson Davis:

Abraham Lincoln 2:

All other pictures:

Civil war in Art:

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