Sunday, November 23, 2014

Tossaint Louverture DBQ

George Washington is by far one of the best military commanders and rulers of all time he was also one of the all time biggest slave owners. Even though he seems like the best men in history he was only the best in some aspects. But, if you look at him in others ways he can be seen as one of the worst. Toussaint Louverture was three main things in his life. Most importantly, Louverture should be remembered as a liberator of slaves. Secondly, he was a military commander. Lastly, Louverture was the ruler of Saint Domingue, a French colony, known as Haiti today. Back in 1789, when it was still called Saint Domingue, there were about 500,000 slaves spread across approximately 8,000 plantations which were owned by 32,000 rich, white planters. Louverture spent most of his adult life focused on freeing the slaves.
            Toussaint Louverture is known as a liberator of salves. This means he helped to free the slaves and abolish slavery in Saint Domingue. Document A, A Timeline of abolition in Saint Domingue created by various sources, states that in 1791, a slave revolt broke out in the north part of Saint Domingue. Louverture joined the revolution by servings as a doctor. Not only was he serving as a doctor but he was helping to command a small group of slave soldiers. Then in 1794, the French ruler at the time, Robespierre, abolished slavery in France and all it colonies so “Toussaint and his troops stop their revolt and now support the French.” This quote from Document A, shows that all Louverture wanted was for the slaves to be free and once he got that he was content. But, in 1802, Napoleon, the new French ruler, sent in 21,000 of his soldiers to reinstate slavery in Saint Domingue as well as all the French colonies. Since the slaves now had a taste of what freedom was like there is no way that they are going down without a fight and that is exactly what Louverture told the French. “Could men who have once enjoyed the benefits of liberty look on calmly while it is taken away from them!” Toussaint Louverture said to the French Directory in Document B, Toussaint Louverture, “Letter to the French Directory, November 1797.” Louverture tells the French that “… if they had a thousand lives, they would sacrifice them all rather than be subjected again to slavery.” This quote from Document B is implying that Louverture and the formally freed slaves of Saint Domingue will die trying before they will surrender to slavery. Toussaint Louverture will do anything even risk his own life all in the pursuit of giving all the black men women and children of Saint Domingue a happy and free life.  Document C, the Saint Domingue Constitution of 1801. Signed by Toussaint Louverture in July 1801, states in the third article of the constitution “There cannot exist slaves in this territory, servitude is therein forever abolished.” This quote is showing that Toussaint’s life work was accomplished. All people of Saint Domingue with be born and die free.
            Toussaint Louverture was an excellent military commander. In Document F, William Wells Brown, “A Description of Toussaint Louverture,” from The Black Man, His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements, 2nd edition, 1863. Engraving of Toussaint Louverture, 1802 “Toussaint, with an experienced wing of the army…” Toussaint always had his soldiers alongside him ready for anything. He always had soldiers by his side because “Toussaint, by his superior knowledge of the character of his race, his humanity, generosity, and courage, had gained the confidence of all whom he had under his command.” (Document F) All of these traits were what made him such an exceptional military commander because it made the soldiers feel good about serving for him because he was a genuine man. Document E, Madison Smartt Bell, Toussaint Louverture: A Biography, 2007, tells us that even though Louverture was a really great guy he also had his moments where he seemed like a not so great guy. For instance Louverture once “…summoned certain men to step out of the ranks and blow their own brains out.” (Document E) Louverture did this not because he wanted to but because he felt as though he had to. This shows his military side, which is not always pretty but, in order to be a good military commander you have to do what is right for the army and safety of the people and Louverture was good at making sure everything stayed in line. Document E tells us about the revolt that broke out on the Northern Plain October 29th 1801. The revolt was because even though the slaves were free they still felt like slaves. The freed slaves were forced to work at the same plantations under the supervision of the same white planter for the same long hours as before so they felt like nothing has changed except they were now getting paid and they themselves could not be sold. Louverture knew that if he gave the freed slaves too much freedom they would abuse it, do nothing and be bums or run wild so he had to keep them under some set of rules. But the slaves did not like the way they were living so they set into action. Louverture would not stand for this so, he ordered the leader of the revolt, who also happened to be his nephew, to be executed.
            Lastly, Toussaint Louverture should be remembered as the ruler of Saint Domingue. In Document C, Louverture signs the Saint Domingue Constitution of 1801. This shows that the people of Saint Domingue trust him to be their highest form of power and to make an official set of laws. Document D, Toussaint Louverture, “Proclamation, 25 November 1801.” is stating clear rules about who is working and where they work. “As soon as a child can walk, he should be employed on the plantation according to his strength in some useful work…” This shows that everyone has to work even toddlers. Louverture also states what will happen if people break the rules. “Any manager or driver of a plantation upon which a foreign cultivator [field worker from another plantation] shall have taken refuge shall denounce him to the captain or commander of the section within 24 hours under penalty of one week in prison” The jail time shows how serious all the crimes are and that the people need to know the laws. The laws are quite specific so if they get in trouble by doing something illegal there is a specific punishment for that crime. As a ruler Toussaint Louverture has to set rules and be a role model for the people of Saint Domingue.
            Although Toussaint Louverture can be remembered as the ruler of Saint Domingue and as a military commander his most identifiable characteristic is that he was a liberator of slaves. He always put freeing the slaves first and he would die trying before he would let them live their whole lives as slaves, and he would do anything to protect their freedom.

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